I began photographing in 2002, when I learned beginning darkroom and documentary photography with extraordinary mentor and passionate photographer Pat Bognar, at the Oregon College of Art and Craft. I think back to those early experiences, walking onto that campus for class. I remember the coolness in the air, the smell of chemistry in the darkroom, and I realize that the experience of walking onto that campus was pure joy. It was visceral. I knew I was in the right place, in that world of photographs, and community, and creation. My passion for photography has continued to grow, compounded by new and exciting techniques, genres, and methods of creation, expression, and collaboration. Won’t you create with me? Let’s fill up our hearts, nurture our souls, and drink from this cup of joy! The joy of seeing, and being seen; a welcome flow of energy that is beautiful and unique. I will cherish every portrait we create together. My hope is that you will do the same.