I've been a photographer for a long time now, and it's a job that has taught me to see. I've learned that the way we see ourselves is rarely as kind or as generous as the way those who love us see us. And I can see the incredible beauty in you, even when you can't see it yourself. All those things about you that you wish were somehow 'better' are the best things about you: the way your eyebrows are not quite even, or the teeth that are not quite straight, the smile that's a little wonky, and the laugh that's a little too loud... those are the things we love and celebrate here at vividity: the perfect imperfections that make you who you are. Come spend a day with me and my team. Let us give you the experience of a luxury photo shoot. Let us show you what it's like to be the pampered, posed and photographed like you're on set for Vanity Fair or Vogue. I promise you we will take some of the best photos you have ever seen of yourself. Based in Sydney, Australia.