Saray Taylor-Roman is a Master portrait photographer with The Portrait Masters. She reached Fellow Status earlier in 2019 with 50 silver merits and the winning image in the Teen & Senior category. Saray specializes in Personal Branding and Fine Art Dancer portraits. Regardless of the type of session, her favorite moment is when her clients see themselves through her lens and, for the first time in their life, love what they see. She has been supporting Sue Bryce for workshops, folio builds and The Portrait Masters Conference both domestically and abroad. In June 2019, four years after opening her first commercial studio, she opened the doors to a 2000 sq. ft studio and welcomed a full time employee and a part-time assistant. She loves photographing people and, in particular, women. As a mom and photographer herself, she knows very well how easy it is to hide behind the camera. So, she's on a mission to show the women who have gone into hiding just how beautiful, how powerful, how strong, and how worthy they are to be celebrated in photographs. Saray is fluent in Spanish and English as she was born and raised in Mexico. She emigrated to East Tennessee in 2004 where she graduated Cum Laude from Maryville College in International Studies and Education. She also holds a masters in Educational Technology. Before discovering her photography passion, she was a high school Spanish teacher. She learned about Sue Bryce in 2013 and by the beginning of 2015 Sue had altered entirely the course of Saray's life! Since the summer of 2018, her monthly sales have averaged her yearly salary as a first year school teacher. This year she has worked one-on-one with photographers in Arizona, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington in the US as well as in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia to help them create a portfolio they love, adjust their pricing for profitability and sustainability, and develop custom marketing plans to get them bums on seats and ultimately reach financial and time freedom. She has partnered with Cat Ford-Coates, also a Master portrait photographer, to create Portrait Unforgettable. Through this initiative, Saray and Cat offer dual perspective photoshoots to photographers and creatives alike. Think of it as a yin-yang type of experience with their juxtaposing yet complimentary visual aesthetics. When was the last time you were photographed? Would you sit for Saray?