1. I love exploring the world of people + love with my camera. I am a passionate individual who longs for true connections with others through friendships, love, and art. 2. I am aware of women's insecurities in front of a camera. When I look through a lens, the brilliance of life shines through for all women!! 3. I want to capture you for a lifetime. Whether it be for your women's portrait, your personal branding session, your headshot, your children's couture portrait, or a combination of all of these. YOU is who I want to capture. Beautifully Y O U. I am a wife, a follower of Christ, and the mother of four darling girls who help me find beauty in all things. With an adventurous streak and a knack for tackling all sorts of challenges, our family has adventured around the world. We are currently settled near Maadi, Egypt where I hope to serve many with my photography.