Become a Professional Photographer.
Own Your Own Business.
Make Your Dreams Come True.
Thousands of photography entrepreneurs around the world credit Sue Bryce and her teachings for helping them break through the blocks that stop them from valuing their art, their work, their time, and themselves, so that they can achieve the business and the life of their dreams.
If you want more for yourself, if you are feeling dissatisfied with the work you are doing and the life you are leading, it’s in your power to change your circumstance. You just need to take the first step and invest in yourself and then keep taking step after step until you achieve your dream.
Sue’s educational system is the most-comprehensive photography education you can get. It’s the very best way you can learn about building a photography business from home or wherever you shoot. With hundreds of videos covering everything from camera basics, to advanced lighting techniques, to networking & marketing, there’s something here for every level of photographer to guide you in bringing your craft and business ability to its full power.
We have the whole process mapped out, step-by-step, and a compassionate supportive community like no other that will help you on your way.
To give you a taste of all we have to offer, here are the courses voted as our Top Ten most popular by our members. We hope they inspire you to start going after what you desire today! As long as you begin and commit to taking one step every day, you will reach your goals – little by little one goes far.
Learn how to achieve a beautiful, super-soft look in your photos by manipulating light. You’ll learn how to identify the places the light fills most in any room, how to use a simple V-flat to flatten light, and how to use an inexpensive piece of foamcore as the ultimate light reflector. You’ll also learn how to use gear to mimic natural light.
Manifesting success doesn’t just come about from putting your dreams out into the universe. Unless you take the steps to actually manifest those dreams, they will remain that – just dreams. These videos will inspire you and also give you great advice on how to brush up on the three areas that lead to manifestACTION – emotion, mindset, and ACTION.
If you don’t address the problems you have that ultimately affect your ability to RECEIVE and MANAGE money, you just cannot run a successful business! Learn the eight styles of being blocked around building wealth, so you can apply the antidotes for healing those blocks and take steps toward manifesting a more enriched and enriching future.
An outside shoot can be a creative and fun way to get outdoors in the fresh air with your clients. Watch Sue and Gerson create a dreamy outdoor set in a parking lot, using a carport frame and lengths of netting curtain, polyester chiffon, & silk fabric secured with clamps. As the sunlight comes through the layers of chiffon, the effect is incredible.
Sue pulls out her black-belt karate skills (I’m not kidding!), and her awesome ability to teach all skill levels at once in this special bonus session on print sales for bridging the gap between startup/folio build and package sales. You know that awkward gap between shoot & burn and $1,200? Boy, has Sue got some great solutions for you – Ninja level!
In three videos, Sue gives you a recipe for a successful marketing system. Sue teaches you how to develop your own brand clarity by understanding the experience you provide to your clients. When you have clarity about the service you give, you can express your pricing & product with certainty, confidence, and conviction. This ability to make a strong offer is the cornerstone to effectively marketing your photography business.
Posing is one of the most important parts of being a portrait photographer. When a woman walks through your studio door, knowing exactly which poses will flatter her is going to help you focus on giving her GREAT SERVICE. Instead of worrying about how to pose, the Posing Breakdown course will have you ready to rock your session and make your client feel great every step of the way!
If you are struggling with painful situations in your life, don’t miss the opportunity to watch Sue Bryce’s videos on Self-Value! This could be the catalyst you need to turn your life around!
Pain is inevitable. The secret is to choose the pain that brings you closer to your heart’s desire. When you choose to face & embrace your fears, deciding to live in a way where you take full accountability and responsibility for your own life, you can move mountains. But it’s up to you to make that choice and keep moving forward.
This video from the Live Archive was shot at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when lockdowns and quarantines were sweeping the globe. Sue offers words of encouragement, reminding everyone to practice to be prepared to go back to work when it is possible to re-open their businesses.
This video is full of lighting hacks that can be accomplished with any lighting setup you have — natural light, constant light, or strobe. It’s all about experimenting with light and playing!
Simple, sexy, and, iconic. This is one of Sue’s most favorite and most requested sessions. Through soft back light, a blow-up mattress, and white sheets, everybody will look incredible in their images from this sensual, monochromatic, and highly-effective and affordable shoot.
…and so much more when you become a member of The Portrait System!
BECOME A MEMBERYou’ve definitely come to the right place for learning everything you need to know for building a successful photography business! Sue’s recipe for success has been tested time and again by photographers all around the world, and they have proven that it works – in small towns and in big cities, on small islands and in big countries, all around the world. The Portrait System by Sue Bryce is definitely the place to be to get inspired, master your craft, and learn the secrets to building a six-figure photography business.
Discover, practice, grow. Achieve a stable income with ongoing support from other professionals who have been where you are and want to help you succeed. They will cheer you on and meet you at every level you achieve.
Why keep dreaming and accomplishing nothing when you can be doing and growing and making positive change in your life? Learn the next step, so you can take action today.
Join our supportive, global community. People from all over the world have been successful achieving their business dreams by following the Sue Bryce Method. You can, too! Don’t delay!
OVER 1,100 EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS on posing, lighting, styling, retouching, shooting, marketing, sales, business, and self-value
LIVE BROADCAST EVERY MONTH where you can ask questions, chat, and engage with Sue and photographers around the world
Access to the FULL ARCHIVE of all past LIVE broadcasts and events
The opportunity to attend in-person WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS
Access to EXCLUSIVE MEMBER DISCOUNTS with companies we’ve partnered with
DOWNLOADABLE MATERIALS including dozens of posing guides to give you visual inspiration
A SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY of portrait photographers all around the world
Access complete recordings of multi-day WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES
Different plans at different pricing levels that meet you at your budget.
Q: How do I know if this is right for me?
A: The Sue Bryce Method works in small towns and big cities. It works for people who wish to maintain their current careers and do photography on the side, and it also works for those who wish to transition to photography full time. It works for busy parents who need flexibility to also take care of their children and other loved ones. It works for those who only shoot outdoors. It works for those who can convert part of their house to a studio. It can help you build your business so that you can rent or own a storefront space.
We meet you at every stage of your career. There’s a next step for everyone. We are with you on the path.
Q: What if I don’t know much about photography?
A: We will teach you everything you need to know about your camera, about multiple lighting setups, about posing clients, and about post-production photo editing and producing print and digital images.
Q: What if I don’t know anything about business?
A: Learn all about common money blocks and self-value, so that you can understand your worth and the value of what you create. Sue will teach you all about the new industry pricing standards, so that you can learn how to price yourself with confidence. You’ll learn about how to figure out your bottom line, how to network and market yourself, and how to ask and receive equal value for equal exchange.
We’ve made the mistakes already, so you don’t have to. You’ll learn how to avoid and overcome common obstacles. Our supportive community will be there to provide you valuable advice every step of the way.
Q: How do I know this is the right time for me to join The Portrait System?
A: If you’ve been dreaming about making a change for the better in your life… If you’ve always wanted to have more autonomy in your work life… If you are a creative bursting at the seams to make time for your art and make money doing it…. Then don’t delay! When we ask our members if they have any regrets on their photography business journey, the number one answer is: I wish I had started sooner.